Promotional offer

Online courses in
food hygiene

With eSmiley’s online courses in food hygiene, you and your employees will be equipped to work safely with food. You gain knowledge that establishes good routines and enhances motivation in the kitchen. The courses are online and can be completed at the convenience of each participant. eSmiley’s courses are approved by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.

Promotional offer

Get 50% off your food hygiene course

Certificate course
in food hygiene

DKK 249

(Standard price DKK 499)

Basic course
in food hygiene

DKK 249

(Standard price DKK 499)

Our team of food safety experts is here to assist you. Please feel free to give us a call at +45 70 26 55 55 or fill out the form

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Why choose an eSmiley food hygiene course

The Nordic leader in
professional kitchen solutions
Essential knowledge ensuring
good hygiene practices
Tailored courses developed
by our food safety experts
Flexibility – complete at your
preferred time and location

Do you want to know more?